今天赫然發現使用了11年的SPiN免費留言板服務 ( 竟已終止服務了!
1996年起,我開始從事網頁設計的工作,也從那一年開始在個人網頁中使用 SPiN ( 所提供的免費留言板服務,我在 SPiN 申請的免費留言板將近40個;除了自己愛用之外,更推薦了很多朋友使用,我相信應該也有不少網友經由我的網站接觸了 SPiN 的留言板,進而使用它。

很遺憾地,今年九月中旬,SPiN 決定結束其免費留言板服務,並轉型為社群服務網站 ( 。下面是 SPiN 在9月14日發佈的公告,正式宣告長達11年的免費留言板服務將走入歷史。
Fri, 14 Sep 2007, ongoing (Philemon)
1996年起,我開始從事網頁設計的工作,也從那一年開始在個人網頁中使用 SPiN ( 所提供的免費留言板服務,我在 SPiN 申請的免費留言板將近40個;除了自己愛用之外,更推薦了很多朋友使用,我相信應該也有不少網友經由我的網站接觸了 SPiN 的留言板,進而使用它。
很遺憾地,今年九月中旬,SPiN 決定結束其免費留言板服務,並轉型為社群服務網站 ( 。下面是 SPiN 在9月14日發佈的公告,正式宣告長達11年的免費留言板服務將走入歷史。
Fri, 14 Sep 2007, ongoing (Philemon)
- Today I have sad news. The guestbook service will be discontinued.It's
been 11 years now. Those of you who have been with us for a long time
know us for taking quality seriously. With the years, a lot of things
happened and some years ago focus changed away from the guestbook
service. We did not want that to affect you too much and so continued
to provide the service for you. But for some time now, we have come to
a point where our high quality of standards cannot be met with the
resources available to the guestbook service. That is why we have come
to this decision.
Let me explain the timeline: (current step is bold)
- Add possibility to download the guestbook entries as dump. -> done on 2007-09-14
- Add link to download guestbook dump to Control-Center -> done on 2007-09-19
- Wait at least 2 weeks -> done on 2007-10-03
- Disable posting of new entries -> done on 2007-10-04
- Wait at least 2 weeks -> done on 2007-10-18
- Replace guestbook's by download link -> done on 2007-10-24
- Wait at least 4 weeks
- Shut service down.
You find the link to download the mentioned guestbook dump on your Control-Center, which is linked to from the bottom of your guestbook in all default styles.
Update: Thank you for all your offers (e.g. giving a one-time or yearly donations) and suggestions, but rest assured that we spent quite some time to consider all options over the course of the last couple of years, and none satisfied our ambitions. From a solution we expect more than being able to run the service for another year or two (been there, done that), but to enable us to envision a future another 11 years from now.
果凍外送茶,LINE外送加賴3p6688,TG外送茶私訊@av3p6688群組頻道約妹,現金消費,模特兒網紅JKF女郎幼齒18-19歲校花學生妹大奶巨乳氣質有韻味少婦人妻熟女純本土妹妹短期兼職中官網 全套服務,台灣外送茶,台灣叫小姐,台灣外約妹,顏值高CP值高約妹首選茶莊吃魚喝茶 外約茶莊 約茶 喝茶 援交妹外約按摩指油壓理容全套愛愛各種好妹安全保證不虧款不轉賬不買點數滿意現金消費
果凍外送茶,LINE外送加賴3p6688,TG外送茶私訊@av3p6688群組頻道約妹,現金消費,模特兒網紅JKF女郎幼齒18-19歲校花學生妹大奶巨乳氣質有韻味少婦人妻熟女純本土妹妹短期兼職中官網 全套服務,台灣外送茶,台灣叫小姐,台灣外約妹,顏值高CP值高約妹首選茶莊吃魚喝茶 外約茶莊 約茶 喝茶 援交妹外約按摩指油壓理容全套愛愛各種好妹安全保證不虧款不轉賬不買點數滿意現金消費